Saranjan Tours



Camino Santiago 2024



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Extremadura & Andalucia 2024


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The information, text and graphics on this site are the copyrighted property of Saranjan, Inc. All rights Reserved. Some text, graphics and images are used by special permission of their copyright owner.

Please respect our rights and the rights of the artists who created the text and graphics, and do not copy or download any of this text or graphics for any commercial purpose without permission.


Saranjan makes selected materials available for bona fide uses in articles and publications about Saranjan tours and services. See our Media Kit page for more information.

About this site

We tried to make this site compatible with as many browsers as possible, although some old browsers (some very new browsers) may not display some information properly. We avoided frames on purpose, in no small part because navigating and bookmarking frames is still inconsistent and frustrating for many people. We also tried to keep the navigation simple and the page access time short, even for people who can only connect through dialup. Because your time is valuable, we chose to go for substance rather than flash. Some limited, safe ECMAScript (JavaScript) scripts are used to try to protect parts of the web site from email harvesters and to automate the navigation menus.

Since there is always room for improvement, we welcome your comments and suggestions: webmaster at



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For more information, contact SARANJAN TOURS
Phone: 1 206 972 1939
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Copyright © 2024 Saranjan, Inc. All rights reserved